Mini Storage Business
To get set up in the mini storage business there are certain steps that are taken. These points are not a regimental but will help when considering getting into the mini self storage business.
Summary Highlights
- Objectives – Explaining the main principles of the mini storage business.
- Mission – What is the project going to do. (Eg, To serve the Miami Beach’s communitys local residential and commercial storage and moving needs).
- Keys to Success – To provide dry, secure, and clean facilities with convenient access. To have good connections in the moving industry to direct customers needing temporary storage space. To be able to adapt as storage and market needs change.
- Company Summary – Location, service, building information.
- Products/Service – Keeping a quality service or product.
- Market Analysis Summary – Look at where you are and what you want to do. Keep a eye on compatition. Complete research in detail as it can save time and money in the future.
- Strategy and Implementation Summary – Keeping to a strategy can be difficult and stressful. Keeping to you summary rules can help.
Giving some thought and research into these topics can be a massive help when considering or getting into the mini storage business.
In the external links section on the right, there are some of the industry leaders in the mini storage business. Have a look at there sites and see how they work, some even have details of there history so you can see how some of the larger company leaders have expanded and become huge successful organisations.

Mini Storage Business Plans
Need help producing a business plan for you Mini Storage venture? This page is dedicated for people who are looking for finance and more specific Mini Storage business plans

Mini Storage Business Startup
Thinking of a mini storage business startup? If the answer is YES then keep reading. Here you will find information and links that will help and inform you in the best possible way.

Mini Storage Software
Keeping track of you self storage units can be a nightmare. However there are some great computer packages that can help productivity througout you business.

Building Mini Storage Units
Diving into the world of self storage is exciting and sometimes overwhelming. This page is devoted to helping you through the entire process with links to public and commercial information to help you build mini storage units units.